Sunday, July 15, 2012

Why Students Leave College

--Us Census Records of Why Students Leave College--

Why Students Leave College

Attrition, meaning shrinking, is a generally used term in college. Learner attrition typically refers to the estimate of students who do not perfect their agenda of studies. These "dropouts" are viewed as failures by the schools and reduce the "graduation rate" typically measured by everybody from the schools themselves, to the accrediting agencies to the national publications (e.g., U.S. News & World Report).

Why Students Leave College

The dropout rate at American universities is about 50% for primary students and 60% for online learners. (National Dialog on Learner Retention, 2008)

Validity and Reliability

As any statistician or graduate Learner can tell you a statistic is meaningful only when it satisfies two foremost criteria: Validity (both "construct" and "content"), and Reliability. Validity, the most critical of the two, simply means that the test "measures what it purports (is supposed) to measure". And Reliability means that it consistently does this over time.

How valid is this measure?

With attrition, there are any concerns. If the retention rate is calculated programmaticaly, it fails to catalogue for inter-program transfers. If it is applied to the convention as a whole, it still has problems. For example, do we in effect want to portion if a Learner completes their instruction at a single institution, or should our primary concern be that the students obtains their degree or diploma? It could be in effect argued that the latter portion is most important. When the Census Bureau reports on the ration of "college graduates" they aren't particularly implicated about how many schools the graduate attended. Either the Learner graduated from "Podunk U" or "Retention College" is of no consequence. The foremost estimate is the ration who graduates.

The convention perspective

Of policy colleges are all the time finding for ways to portion their success. Is it quality, quantity, reputation, faculty/student ratios, etc.? All of these measures, and more, are incorporated into the College Rankings which are so eagerly consumed by prospective students, parents, graduates, administrators and the college community. Just take a look at the most new U.S. News College Rankings.

But how meaningful are these measures and rankings? Probably not very. From one perspective, especially at the two-year (Community College) level, success could mean that there are large numbers of transfers to four-year colleges. This would be true Either or not the Learner completed their associates degree. A broader view of institutional success may involve a longer perspective. Longitudinal studies, tracking students throughout their total academic life might contribute a better perspective. For example, if a Learner attends "Lousy U" and has such a horrible palpate that he is turned off from instruction for the rest of his life, that would clearly be a negative. If, on the other hand, students at "Success College" gain trust and palpate academic success, but due to increased trust and broadened perspectives move on to other schools prior to completing their agenda of studies, this could be carefully very positive.

Student retention investigate

The converse of Learner attrition is Learner retention. Possibly the best model of Learner retention comes from investigate and a theoretical perspective in case,granted by Vincent Tinto (Tinto V, ). Although there is small empirical evidence to preserve Tinto's theories, his work clearly identifies the complexities of the issue. Some of the factors in the retention equation include: academic integration, teaching, learning, support, facilities, [student] qualifications/preparation/motivation, individual attributes, family attributes [e.g., mother's education], finances, debt, medical, family events, group integration, etc. When interacting with the critical factors of Goal Commitment and Institutional Commitment, dropout decisions are made (or not made).

According to Tinto the separate reasons for departure boil down to two categories: 1) Voluntary (student decision) and, 2) Involuntary (poor academic [and/or attendance] performance). Tinto, (and other researchers) additional refine this model by emphasizing two overarching decision markers: 1) academic Integration, and 2) group Integration.. In other words: 1) how is the Learner performing academically, how much do they enjoy their subjects, and how they view themselves as a student; 2) how many friends the Learner has at the school, capability of interaction with faculty and staff, and how much they enjoy being at the school.

What can We Learn?

The admission of students who are not ready, inadequately prepared, or don't have adequate commitment to effect in a College agenda will clearly increase the attrition rate, and although intervention can help mitigate the problem, the stage is set for failure. And, many students lack the self-motivation to accomplish adequately in the less-structured post-secondary setting.

Students leave school for a estimate of reasons. They may not do well academically, or they may have contentious priorities which cause attendance problems. They may feel socially isolated at school or feel disconnected from the institution. They could have financial problems, family problems, studying disabilities, transportation, childcare or persistence issues. They can have a composition of problems, and even all of the foregoing could apply. If they are minority, foreign, adult learners, re-entry students, low income students, single-parents, etc., they have additional complications. Students may not feel supported by the convention or do not recap well with its staff. A primary factor is students' relationship with their teachers.

Merely measuring attrition may not tell the whole story. And, some factors are beyond menagerial or faculty control. However, establishing a supportive culture and a welcoming environment can help.

What can be Done to improve Learner Retention?

The literature provides a estimate of suggestions, and intuitively we know some approaches that work. Here are some ideas:

--Provide Learner services emphasizing a preserve principles for the Learner (e.g., orientation, advising, counseling, Learner organizations, group events, carpooling assistance, tutoring, etc.)

--Establish systems to proactively identify problems and quickly intervene to resolve them (e,g., grades, attendance, distraction, etc.)

--Enlist the preserve of the faculty in improving Learner retention. Acquaint them of the problem, offer recommendations, and most importantly solicit their input. --Encourage Learner input, e.g., Learner satisfaction surveys.

--Allow students to gain some success before enrolling them in "weed out"/ bottleneck courses (e.g., math and science). --Arrange Learner events (e.g., Charitable events, pizza sales, celebrations)

--Promote "belongingness" through Learner government, associations, clubs, etc.

--Recognize Learner achievements and success (attendance and academic awards) --Keep students regularly informed about their academic progress.

--Gather and analyze Learner attrition data. Benchmark data and compare with comparable institutions.

--Link with employers and inherent employers of students and graduates. contribute classic work Placement Services for all students. --Assign Learner mentors to help incoming students.

--Develop, take care of and say a friendly, buyer service oriented atmosphere.

--Constantly review, analyze and upgrade programs and services.

--Make every Learner feel welcome and necessary.


Students leave college for a collection of reasons. Sometimes the convention is powerless to affect these decisions. However, the ideas presented in this report may be critical to administrators finding to reduce attrition. It's certainly worth a try.


Tinto, V (1975) "Dropout from Higher Education: A Theoretical Synthesis of new Research" recap of Educational Research, vol.45, pp.89-125

Tinto, V (1982) "Limits of principles and convention in Learner Attrition" Journal of Higher Education, vol3 pp. 687-700

Tinto,V., Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Learner Attrition, 1994, Univ. Of Chicago Press

Journal of College Learner Retention: Research, principles and Practice, Ed. Alan Seidman

National Dialog on Learner Retention, 2008

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