Friday, September 7, 2012

A Census Every 3 Years?

--Us Census Records of A Census Every 3 Years?--

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Our Constitution calls for a Census every ten years to conclude how many Representatives each State will have, (Article I, Section 3.) starting with the 2000 census, under the Clinton administration, the department of manufactures contracted with the American society peruse to collect data on our habitancy every three years. The ideal is to collect from a portion of the habitancy during each three year cycle. Over a ten year duration they would collect personal data from every person and therefore replace the general census count once every ten years.

A Census Every 3 Years?

Sound like a great plan! Then here comes the rub, they want more and more information. It used to be just head of household, age, career and the estimate of habitancy living in the home.

The code for the enumeration can be found in 13Usc141. In this code, the census is directed to be taken in 1980 and every ten years thereafter, and that the count is to be taken on April 1. The returns must be completed within nine months for use in apportionment of representatives. The code also specifies a mid-decade census be taken in 1985 and every ten years thereafter. This count need not be a head count (sampling may be used) though the data cannot be used for apportionment.

13Usc141 Starts out: Title 13--Census chapter 5--Censuses Subchapter Ii--Population, Housing, And Unemployment

Sec. 141. habitancy and other census information
(a) The Secretary shall, in the year 1980 and every 10 years thereafter, take a decennial census of habitancy as of the first day of April of such year, which date shall be known as the ``decennial census date'', in such form and content as he may determine, including the use of sampling procedures and extra surveys. In association with any such census, the Secretary is authorized to collect such other census facts as necessary.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the use of any statistical method, in association with a decennial census, for the apportionment or redistricting of Members in Congress.

At what point is you right to privacy violated with census questions?

The Constitution does not specifically mention a right to privacy. However, supreme Court decisions over the years have established that the right to privacy is a basic human right, and as such is protected by virtue of the 9th Amendment. The right to privacy has come to the public's attentiveness via some controversial supreme Court rulings, including some dealing with contraception (the Griswold and Eisenstadt cases), interracial marriage (the Loving case), and abortion (the familiar Roe v Wade case). In addition, it is said that a right to privacy is inherent in many of the amendments in the Bill of Rights, such as the 3rd, the 4th's hunt and seizure limits, and the 5th's self-incrimination limit.

Personal Questions:

In this age of non-discrimination why are they asking for origin and race? question 5 could not be answered by person of mixed origin and this would contain most of the habitancy in the U.S.

Question 6 even uses the "N" word and just how far back are we supposed to go?

Apparently they don't care about more than 5 habitancy in the household, they only ask for name sex and age. I guess this is to meet the requirement for the estimate of representatives. And if you have more than 12 living in your household, they don't want to know about it.

Questions 7 through 48 beyond doubt get personal and I have to admit that I would be very uneasy placing all that facts in one place. Some worker at the American society peruse Org. Could get very rich selling all this information. What if mandatory condition assurance is passed, what great place for the government to go to see how has coverage than this record.

Housing Questions:
These 21 questions need more facts than I even keep. What about the second home? Did they just forget that some habitancy have a second or third home.

Dead Line:
After reading the form carefully, I could not find any deadline for competition, as soon as inherent does not mean much to habitancy now days. So I will have to study the form a diminutive more before I make a decision.

Not Required to respond:
After reading the statement on the back of the form, and checking out approval estimate from the Office of supervision and Budget, Omb No. 0607-0810 I discovered that it had expired on 5/31/2008.
Omb No: 0607-0810 Expiration Date: 05/31/2008 Resps:3,160,610 Hours:1,917,410 Costs(000): The American society peruse Forms: Acs-1 Acs-1Sp Acs-1Pr Acs- 1Pr(Sp) Acs-290 Acs-1Gq Acs-4Gq

I have now received the form twice and some phone calls. They don't believe me when I tell them that their approval estimate has expired. The last caller wanted me to give the facts over the phone and said that they did not want my name, of policy they already had it, how did they get my phone number!

I commonly discard all mail addressed to Resident, I guess I should have discarded this unopened and then I would have not wasted all this time finding into the American society Survey. Even if they are on the up and up, who is to say that person within the organization is not. And who even trusts Government now days.
After April 1st I will set down with a census taker and try to respond some of the questions they ask, provided they don't get too personal.

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